Sept/Oct Vacation Care Booking Form 2020

Please note your booking is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email from us. Bookings are subject to availability.  Risk Assessments are in place and available on request for all excursions and incursions.

Child Details

Child #1

Child #2

Child #3

Emergency Contact During Vacation (non-parent/guardian)


Other Requirements

(e.g. require own sunscreen/insect repellent)

WEEK 1 (21/09 - 25/09)

Additional cost: $10

Bus transportation (departure: 9:00 am / arrival: 2:45 pm)
Additional cost: $24

Bus transportation (departure: 8:45 am / arrival: 3:30 pm)
Additional cost: $24

WEEK 2 (28/09 - 02/10)

Bus transportation (departure: 9:00 am / arrival: 2:45 pm)
Additional cost: $20

Parent/Guardian Declaration

  1. I have a current 2020 Enrolment Form.

  2. I agree to pay all extra costs outlined for specific days, which will be added to the daily fee ($62).

  3. I provide my permission for their participation and travel to and from excursions/incursions.

  4. I am aware that I need to pay for all vacation care bookings, regardless of whether my child attends on these days or not (unless a medical certificate is supplied). Should the service need to close, all bookings will be waived.

  5. I am aware that I need to provide my child with lunch (unless otherwise specified); sun safe clothing; hat; drink bottle and closed in shoes. Morning tea and afternoon tea are provided daily.

  6. I am aware that my child is unable to bring their tech devices to vacation care, unless it is programmed specifically.

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