
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

The JSA philosophy is based upon a team working through and analysing each of the tasks that comprise the work to be carried out to identify, evaluate and control hazards associated with the job.

The methodology requires the job to be broken down into logical activity steps, starting at the beginning of the job and ending on completion of the job. Potential hazards associated with each step are identified and controls agreed upon by the work group are implemented to eliminate or manage the hazards.

Job Details


Job Safety Analysis

  1. Break a job down into smaller tasks and observe a worker performing it.

  2. Click Add Next Task and fill in the relevant information.

  3. Identify the potential hazard and assess the risk for each task.

  4. Determine preventive measures/controls and assess the residual risk after implementing controls.

Risk Assessment Matrix Reference



Worker Group Sign-on

On signing this JSA, I acknowledge that I understand and will comply with all the JSA requirements with associated hazards and controls. 

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